Friday, October 19, 2007

Big contented smiles

It's official. I do NOT need the bricks. He knows. Boy, does he know. We have a third date planned, the Roller Derby. And I like this man. We have... not a LOT in common, but we are both fonts of useless inormation. This is good, we can play Trivial Persuit together (I happen to like the game). I bet he's better at spelling than I am though. And we never want for a conversation topic. That and I think he's an attractive man. He makes me feel ... safe, and .... important in some way. Like he cares what I think on any given topic. It's nice to feel wanted.
Work is going well, I can't complain. Not that anyone would listen if I HAD a complaint. My boss/co-worker/best friend bought me a new T-shirt to wear at the bar, a Sailor Jerry Rum logo-T. It is nice. It is most definitely something I would wear. And will wear tomarrow.
There really isn't all that much to report, other than the fact that I'M DATING!!!!! It's been a while. I hope he understands that I may have forgotten how some of it goes. Excuse me whilst I gush a little bit more, but when he comes in to the bar I can feel myself light up. When he leaves, I walk him out and he kisses me goodnight. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I kinda want to tell him the brick story just to see what his reaction is though.

---Little Bird is on cloud nine


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Lil Bird! I'm stoked for ye! It's always nice when ye meet a special someone...hopefully it'll happen to me soon! *wry grin* After 'e knows about the 'brick story' can give 'im a nicely wrapped brick for yer..oh....say...6 month aniversarry?

Anonymous said...

That's an idea, if I do it'll have to be the kind that has the three or four holes in it. Then it can be used as a candle stick!
Give it time. And find a place that is a social gathering location and frequent it. Prefferably one that is centered around something you like (i.e. sports, libraries, bars, you get the idea). Biggest point, MAKE FRIENDS FIRST. Then go from there.
I've been a silly, smiling, ridiculously happpy person for almost a week now. It's a different sort of feeling.

Anonymous said...

Aye, i already know about the be friends first thang....but i dinna go to bars, nor am i interested in sports. (tho i'd cultivate an interest for a nice lady) I DO go to the library frequently, an' the lasses at me job are off limits...mostly...the beach is chok full of ladies,but i feel awkward trying to strike up conv with a stranger in that setting. *shrugs* ah, well...

Back to the topic of bricks...i can MAKE ye one, ye ken... a tiny silver brick, perhaps an inch long or so...a miniature replica of a mason's wear on a chain around yer neck...

Anonymous said...

Garnet, I can make one too!! I am familiar with the lost wax method of silver/gold casting. I need to tell him the story, date for a few months before I even CONSIDER making jewelry. Thank you though... for both of the thoughts.
It sounds like your best bet is actually the beach. Go armed with books, blanket, umbrella, and SPF 50. Just make sure that you don't leave streaks of that sunsceen. If you go often enough and read, you might just intrigue a young woman into wanting to know why you would read when there are so many young women to ogle. We're and odd group, we women. I make no appologies for that.

Anonymous said...

Sorry lass! *hugs*