Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Take Me Home Country Road

I'm sitting here, trying to not fidget myself into a nervous fit. In about an hour I leave for the train station. Because I must get there a couple of hours early. I don't know why I feel the need to be that early, I just do. The train will not leave early. I don't think it's allowed to do such a thing. But my neurosis (this one at least) mandates that I must be more than one hour early to the station. Mama Bird calls this "going airport". When she travels she feels similarly. But she flies. "Going train station" just doesn't have the same ring.

It's been a great visit, time spent cowering in the basement not withstanding. Good friends, good parties, Red Hot Ripplets (crack chips in my vernacular). I'm only bringing one bag of the chips home, I'm trying to be good.
For those not in the know, they simply can't be found in Chicago. I've looked. And they are my all time favorite potato chips.

I will be leaving the books I came here with at Whirly Birds house and borrowing a few others. Namely "There Eyes Were Watching God" something I read in high school. A closer look at the book indicates that the copy I will borrow is actually MY original copy from that high school!! Also borrowing "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo". That one I absolutely must return in a timely manner. There is a waiting list to borrow it apparently. I read fast so I should be able to get it back to her relatively soon. I just need to get a packing envelope and not use duct tape on it.

--Little Bird is getting flighty


Chris said...

You're not alone in that department. Not exactly the same, but similar.
Since I'm often on taxi-duty I'm always worried about what traffic, roads and even my car might throw at me and preventing to get somewhere on time. There were even a few times were it paid off driving much too early -g-

Sandy said...

Speaking of packing envelopes and duct tape...

Saffron Butterfly said...

Found this news bulletin that might be of interest to you...


little bird said...

Now I need to look up where the nearest Family Dollar is. This does not bode well for the diet.