Sunday, January 4, 2009

Progress Report

It's been a day or two. I have given myself time to recover. As I so obviously needed to. Miraculously there was no blinding headache. No nausea. No spins. I survived! And this coming week I may get to do it all over again. My bestest friend in the entire world has a birthday on Tuesday. My mother, Mama Bird (saint that she is), has offered to help me get back to where this friend lives so I can join in the festivities. This is her birthday present to me. This is a damned good present!
The friend in question is two years my junior. And oddly enough we are (extremely) distantly related. I have known her for 17 years. She has been the best friend a person could ask for. I wish I could convince her to move to my town!
Here is a recipe to keep you warm on these cold winter nights.

Aztec Sluggers
Makes 2 drinks

1 Cup freshly brewed strong coffee
1/4 cup bourbon
1/2 oz Kahlua
2 oz finely chopped bittersweet chocolate (not unsweetened)
6 tablespoons heavy cream
1 teaspoon sugar

Heat coffee, bourbon, kahlua, chocolate and 2 tablespoons cream ia 1 to 1 1/2 quart heavy saucepan over low heat, whisking constantly, until chocolate is melted, about 1 to 2 minutes (Don't let it boil).
Whisk remaining 1/4 cup cream with sugar until it holds soft peaks.
Divide coffee mixture between 2 large mugs, then top with the whipped cream.

Don't drink too many of them!

--Little Bird is about to be on the road again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*hic* Define "too" many...